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Showing posts from May, 2018

How to use NIA Online Service with Alien Citizen Digital Certificate[外籍人士自然人憑證]

 Taiwan offers a smart card to adult foreign residents that can be used to verify their identity online. This allows some government services previously only available in person to be provided online, including: Tax return submission Applying for credit reports Accessing healthcare data from the NHI Requesting a police check Certificate of Entry and Exit dates from the NIA Ordering Face Masks Sounds great! However, the system relies on some ironically insecure/outdated technology, a mishmash of different browser plugins and very few support staff know about its existence. Here's a tip on how to use yours... How to get your record of Entry and Exit Dates from Taiwan's National Immigration Agency Get a Digital Citizen Certificate and set it up in your card reader Visit , (if the link has changed, try clicking through English - Online Applications -Certificate of Entry and Exit Dates - (red link) P

How to get your credit report using Taiwan's Alien Citizen Digital Certificate[外籍人士自然人憑證]

 Taiwan offers a smart card to adult foreign residents that can be used to verify their identity online. This allows some government services previously only available in person to be provided online, including: Tax return submission Applying for credit reports Accessing healthcare data from the NHI Requesting a police check Certificate of Entry and Exit dates from the NIA Ordering Face Masks Sounds great! However, the system relies on some ironically insecure/outdated technology, a mishmash of different browser plugins and very few support staff know about its existence. Here's a tip on how to use yours... How to get your Credit Report from Taiwan's Joint Credit Information Center Get a Digital Citizen Certificate and set it up in your card reader Visit , download and install the setup file when prompted. Close your browser and re-open it (I used Chrome, for reference) Enter your ARC ID and the CAPTCHA, ti