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How to play Monster Hunter: World on Linux

The release of Monster Hunter: World on PC has broken records. Powered by the unfamiliar MT Engine, Linux users were worried that they might miss out on the experience. Luckily, some got it working on day 1 (hat tip Vahron and all the users on the reddit thread).

Here's a way to get it working :)

  1. Upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver. The previous release, 17.10 Artful Aardvark didn't work for me.
  2. Install lutris. Lutris is a launcher for games on Linux. There are so many different wine versions and configuration options. Lutris manages them all for you and has installers with 'known good' configurations.
  3. Open lutris and install the 'Wine Steam' runner. (Lutris -> Manage Runners -> Wine Steam -> Install). This will let Lutris run games via a wine-installed version of steam
  4. Manage the wine version of lutris to install esync-3.13 . (Lutris-> Manage Runners -> Wine -> Manager versions -> Tick esync 3.13). This will make the latest high-performing version of wine available to lutris.
  5. Install Vulkan. Vulkan is a cross-platform API, that wine can use to render graphics instead of trying OpenGL or Direct3D directly. Vulkan's DirectX 11 support is better than the default support in wine.
  6. Check your Vulkan support  by running sudo vulkaninfo | more
    1. If you see error messages, you have a problem with your driver setup or are missing vulkan packages. Make sure you've installed all necessary vulkan packages, which may include a specific package for your graphics card. Reboot your PC to ensure that you're running the latest driver that supports vulkan after installing the packages.
  7. Update DirectX-Vulkan wine support ("dxvk") in Lutris to the latest versions.
    1. Download the files from (this is the latest nightly build of dxvk)
    2. Replace the files in ~/.local/share/lutris/runtime/dxvk/ with the newer versions
  8. Install the game in Lutris
    1. Click install at 
    2. Wait for steam to download the game and fail to launch it (or, if it works - great!)
    3. Go to the game's Runner Options (Right click on Monster Hunter: World -> Runner Options Tab) 
    4. Choose the wine version: esync-3.13-x86_64
    5. Tick Enable DXVK
    6. Enter DXVK Version: 0.64
  9. Launch the game

... and that should be it!

Tested on:
  • Intel UHD 630
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060


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