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How to file taxes online using Alien Citizen Digital Certificate[外籍人士自然人憑證]

 Taiwan offers a smart card to adult foreign residents that can be used to verify their identity online. This allows some government services previously only available in person to be provided online, including:
Sounds great! However, the system relies on some ironically insecure/outdated technology, a mishmash of different browser plugins and very few support staff know about its existence. Here's a tip on how to use yours...

How to pay Taiwan income taxes online

I've successfully paid taxes online for the past few years using this method. It is straightforward, thanks to the automated data download powered by the Digital Citizen Certificate.
  1. Get a Digital Citizen Certificate and set it up in your card reader
  2. Change your computer's regional format to be "Taiwan".
  3. Each year, visit National Tax Bureau's Income Tax for Aliens website , download and install the setup file for the latest "offline"/Windows application.
  4. The application will launch automatically. If it doesn't, find "
    外僑綜合所得稅電子結算申報繳稅系統(用戶端版)" on the menu and launch it.
  5. Select your language (the English translation is good) and acknowledge the warning about the regional format
  6. Select the filing year (eg in May 2019, you are probably filing the 2018 financial year), and "Taxpayer"
  7. Put your Digital Citizen Certificate in the card reader,  select "Login by Aliens Citizen Digital Certificate", click next, and OK the warnings
  8. Enter your IC Card PIN when prompted, and wait … 60 seconds or so
  9. You’re in. Enter your ARC number and click through.
  10. You can see 7 options to do with manipulating data. Ignore all by the top one, "Download the Income or Deduction Tax Return data". This magic gathers all of your reported salary, withholding data, bank interest, medical expenses as well as your biographical information and enters it into your tax return.
  11. Wait ... Be presented with 4 PDFs, one at a time. The purpose of the PDFs is to show what data was downloaded. You can save them, print them or just close them - they are handy to have, but keeping them is not required for your return.
  12. (Generally) tick all the boxes and Import the data.
  13. You're now in the main tax application, which has been filled out with all of your information.
  14. Carefully fill out each page, with the advice of all of your lawyers and accountants, print a trial balance, triplecheck it and then move on to the calculation and upload tab
  15.  Your card reader is going to serve double duty at this step. Get your bank card ready. After making the declaration, you will be asked to put your bank card into the reader for the payment. Later you will be asked to put your Digital Citizen Certificate back in for the submission. Pay careful attention to swap the cards as needed.
ProTip: Some banks use different cards for their online banking login and ATM functions. If this applies to you, you will need to make sure you are using your ATM card for the payment and not your internet banking login card. Otherwise, the process will appear to work, until the payment is declined.

What about the Linux/Mac version?

There is also an 'online'/'web-based' version of this process that similarly takes a Digital Citizen Certificate. It does work on Linux, using the plugin found on the MOICA website. The plugin launches a small web app locally on your machine that can be used to bridge the PCSD functions into the MOI framework.

However, this version of the e-Filing is still under development and has limited payment options and doesn't support all features of the 'offline' application.


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