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Taiwan's Alien Citizen Digital Certificate [外籍人士自然人憑證]

 Taiwan offers a smart card to adult foreign residents that can be used to verify their identity online. This allows some government services previously only available in person to be provided online, including:
Sounds great! However, the system relies on some ironically insecure/outdated technology, a mishmash of different browser plugins and very few support staff know about its existence. Therefore, here are some tips to let you take most advantage of your card.

How to apply for Alien Citizen Digital Certificate[外籍人士自然人憑證]

Application for the card is potentially the most painless process. Three steps:
  1. Visit the NIA to apply, get a piece of paper with a number on it
  2. Use the piece of paper with the number to complete the application on the MOICA website
  3. Pay the NT$275 fee using the CHT payment gateway
  4. Wait 10 working days for the mail
Don't be mislead by the MOICA website, with interesting headings like "Application", which means "list of places that accept this card". You must visit NIA to apply with you ARC in person. Go in and ask the volunteer and they will direct you to the right place.

NIA staff will look at your ARC, ask for your email address and phone number and issue you a piece of paper with a number (用戶代碼) that you can use on the MOICA website to complete the application. The site you need is currently here: , but the piece of paper has instructions to follow.

You will receive email confirmation (conveniently in both English and Chinese) after successfully completing step 2 and step 3. Follow them, particularly to perform the payment.

ProTip: don't forget you'll need to buy a card reader. They're USB devices that take something like a credit card, and cost about NT$200-300 on PChome or any local 3C store.

How to activate Alien Citizen Digital Certificate[外籍人士自然人憑證]

Repeat after me: the online activation does not work. Seriously. Between myself and Gergely Imreh, we've spent literal days making our computers less secure to try and get the online activation to work. Summon your best Chinese, or your best Chinese-speaking friend and call 0800-080-117. They're very friendly and just love it when they meet people using the service.

Tell them you couldn't get activation to work and they will manually activate your card.

... but does it actually work? Yes, it does!

How to use NIA Online Services with Alien Citizen Digital Certificate[外籍人士自然人憑證]

You can use the card to request data about your entry and exits.

How to get your credit report using Taiwan's Alien Citizen Digital Certificate[外籍人士自然人憑證]

You can use the card to request your credit report.

How to use NHI Online Service with Alien Citizen Digital Certificate[外籍人士自然人憑證]

Coming soon...

How to file taxes using Alien Citizen Digital Certificate[外籍人士自然人憑證]

You can  use the card to file and pay income taxes fully online.

How to Order Masks using your Digital Citizen Certificate[外籍人士自然人憑證]

You can use the card to order surgical face masks.


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